January #9 Completing
February #1 New Beginnings
March #2 Connecting
April #3 Creating
May #4 Building
June #5 Changing
July #6 Nurturing
August #7 Re-evaluating
September #8 Expanding
October #9 Completing
November #1 New Beginnings
December #2 Connecting
This forecast is derived from the Universal pattern of Numbers, or nine stages of development, that consciousness continuously cycles through each year, month and day. When following this repeating cycle, everything in life can be tracked through divine order.
The Universe follows a repeating pattern and each person cycles through their own unique repeating pattern. To calculate your personal Month/Day/Year Numbers for free, ask Tay Lotus here.
Discovering your personal Numbers can shed insight into your repeating cycle (epicycle), as well as the characteristics and abilities your soul is ready to welcome, integrate and learn. Reflecting on your personal Numbers alongside the Universal Numbers can help you consciously co-create with the Universe, understand the dance between internal and external experiences, and manifest in full empowerment.
2024 will be a powerful year in the realms of karma, materialism and manifestation. Last year was a period of reflection, re-evaluation and self-discovery for the collective. And this year the collective is asked to apply the lessons of the past, to better navigate the road to materializing dreams with a clear vision. The knowledge gained last year during times of self-exploration and analysis is ready to be integrated into materialism for expansion and progression, as well as material success. This stage holds large potential for self-mastery, gaining wisdom and creating the lifestyle you desire.
There will be heavy emphasis on the cycle of karma during 2024. The collective is experiencing stage 8, in which you reap what you sow. The last time we experienced stage 8 was in 2015, and this year you will receive that which you have previously given. If you have sowed wisely these past 9 years, then you will likely receive abundance, support, material progress or financial rewards for your efforts. However, if your past efforts were lacking in effort, focus or intention, it’s possible you may have experiences of loss or debt. In stage 8, it’s time to pay your dues - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Stage 8 is highly charged with energy and momentum. The collective is meant to utilize this peak of energy for empowerment, and for making big moves. We are experiencing a shift of focus from self to the world, from a close-up view to a broad picture. It would be wise to practice more selflessness, and work through any selfish tendencies, as this can work against you right now. This is the time to get serious about what you want to put your energy towards, and what you would like to manifest into your life. Make time to get a clear picture of your desires, goals and dreams. Don’t hesitate to ask for help and lean on others for assistance during this time. We are meant to work together this year, especially when the goal brings betterment for all involved. Now is the time to take action and take risks! This year is meant to ignite your inner resilience, as well as your drive, focus, determination and perseverance. What can you do this year to create a positive impact on those around you? Think big, and go for it!
In 2024, there will be some road bumps and challenges to face along the way. These situations are necessary to accomplishing the goals of your visions; don’t get discouraged. This will test your ability to remain driven when matters get difficult, and to stay dedicated to your vision in moments of uncertainty. Stay strong, and stay true to you! Since last year gave you time to reevaluate your stance in life, this year is all about being your best self and embodying self-mastery. Stage 8 will likely challenge who you think you know yourself to be, and the strength you hold inside. There will be situations that will challenge how you deal with authority, and there could possibly be power plays taking place in the collective. These encounters are meant to help you build confidence, assert boundaries and stand up for yourself. In the larger picture, there will be big power shifts in the collective within positions of authority that will likely change how our society and government functions.
Careers and finances will be in the forefront right now as well. Part of the collective will likely receive bonuses or an increase in funds, while part of the collective may experience loss or a drastic change in the matters of jobs or money. This will depend on the efforts of the last 9 years; as you sew, you shall reap. Remember that regardless of your situation, everyone in the collective has the opportunity this year for massive growth, expansion and abundance. Tap into your vision, focus on its fruition, persevere through the process and remain dedicated to your visions until you see it through. Be ambitious, and allow your best self to shine this year!
Every month the collective moves through one of the 9 repeating stages of development consciousness cycles through for expansion and growth. Last month we cycled through phase 7, the stage of rest, introspection and inner seeking. This month we are cycling through phase 8, the stage of material abundance, finances and power. While the previous month put much focus on tending to ourselves, September is encouraging the collective to focus on taking action, manifesting through hard work and coming together with others for support and collaboration. Cycle 8 is a karmic cycle, showing the efforts, intentions and motivations of the last 8 months will determine the experiences of this month; aw ye sew, ye shall reap. As the collective experiences the results of previous actions, we are all learning the importance of planting good seeds.
Out of all cycles 1 - 9, cycle 8 has the most opportunities and highest potential for material and financial abundance. This means it’s time to invest all your hard work, perseverance, strength, and focus on what you want to manifest in the physical/material world. If you’ve been wanting to do something big, act now! If you’ve been wanting to create a business or build up a current business, now is the time to start building a solid foundation for its success.This cycle has room for risk taking, and encourages staying focused on achieving goals and rewards. Dream big; discern what resources are needed for your goals and move beyond all obstacles to its fruition. The collective has potential to reap great rewards this month, while there may be some debts to pay. Cycle 8 is teaching us to stay focused on visions of what kind of life you want to create around you, and the ability to stick to the same vision with commitment and determination all the way to seeing the manifestation and its success. Tap into what you want to focus on manifesting for yourself this month, and be cautious of any areas in life that tend to distract or pull you away from the path of your visions.
September will encourage us to master the Self on a deeper level. There may be some obstacles or road bumps that seem daunting or impassable, however, these are opportunities to call upon greater depths of strength, faith and will power within ourselves. As we may find ourselves in situations needing to rely on our own discernment and perseverance, there will also be times when it’s most helpful to ask for help and support from another. While it’s important this month to build up the inner core and grow deeper in depth with ourselves, we cannot forget that we are also in need of each other, connection, support and help. It’s a balance - internal and external support - and a theme that will repeat this month. The balance between work and home life, material world and spiritual world, internal and external growth, risk taking and discipline, saving money and spending money. In working with cycle 8, notice the areas in life or within yourself in need of balancing, transformation or adjustment for greater harmony and betterment.
In September, many within the collective will have opportunities to involve themselves in material growth, while at the same time a certain detachment is necessary - it is not the rewards that bring happiness but rather experiencing life. Try not to get too caught up in material attachments, and remember to share your abundance with others. Generosity is quickly rewarded in this cycle.
(send a message in the Contact section - including your birthday - to find out your monthly personal number)
New beginnings in self-mastery.
This is an ideal time for self work, building confidence and taking action towards a refined sense of self.
You are ready to level up and reach new potentials within yourself.
This is an ideal time to ask for help from others, collaborate on a project and harmonize with a group of people in business or play.
You are ready to thrive amongst a group.
This is an ideal time for working together and sharing your creative ideas.
You are ready to meet success in business through your creative efforts.
This is an ideal time for harmonizing your business efforts with home life expectations.
You are ready for a deeper sense of balance in all areas of life.
This is an ideal time for making big moves, manifesting abundance and traveling.
You are ready for big risks to pay off.
This is an ideal time to deepen your connections at home and balance your efforts with career and tending to loved ones.
You are ready for richer relationships.
This is an ideal time to reflect on your stance in life and the past moves you’ve made to arrive where you are.
You are ready for new realizations about your actions.
This is an ideal time for self-mastery, advancing yourself in business, balancing material and spiritual, as well as taking action towards your goals and dreams.
You are ready to make big moves towards what you desire.
This is an ideal time for finishing up projects and tying up loose ends in business.
You are ready to be recognized for your visions and hard work.