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January #1 New Beginnings

February #2 Connecting

March #3 Creating

 #4 Building

May #5 Changing

June #6 Nurturing

July #7 Re-Evaluating

August #8 Expanding

September #9 Completing

October #1 New Beginnings

November #2 Connecting

December #3 Creating

This forecast is derived from the Universal pattern of Numbers, or nine stages of development, that consciousness continuously cycles through each year, month and day. When following this repeating cycle, everything in life can be tracked through divine order. 

The Universe follows a repeating pattern and each person cycles through their own unique repeating pattern. To calculate your personal Month/Day/Year Numbers for free, ask Tay Lotus here

Discovering your personal Numbers can shed insight into your repeating cycle (epicycle), as well as the characteristics and abilities your soul is ready to welcome, integrate and learn. Reflecting on your personal Numbers alongside the Universal Numbers can help you consciously co-create with the Universe, understand the dance between internal and external experiences, and manifest in full empowerment. 



2025 will be the closing year to a 9-year long cycle; marking an end, a completion and a celebration. Last year was a period of manifestation, karma and materialism - understanding how to utilize power to create or destroy. This year the collective is encouraged to tie up any loose ends that have been hanging around, and complete any major or minor projects and duties. This 9-year cycle started in 2017, and will be closing this year in 2025. Reflecting back on what has taken place since the beginning of this cycle can give you an indication of what the closing year will look like for you, and the collective. There is also a theme of letting go during this time- letting go of all that no longer serves you; habits, mindset, lifestyle, relationships, heavy emotions, etc. Out of all nine years included in the full cycle, stage 9 is the easiest stage for letting go, forgiveness, and unity. The collective is going to be potentially facing the best and worst during 2025, as this will be the next step for transforming the collective into a new direction. Light and dark collide for greater unity to come forth. 


Since this year marks a closing period, this will be an ideal time for finishing up any loose ends in life. It's time to finish up all unfinished business, to make room for the new beginning that’s coming in 2026. This can look like shifting old thinking patterns that hold you back, cleaning house, completing projects, letting go of relationships, paying off debts, and getting rid of unnecessary weight (physically and spiritually). Problems can be solved and ended right now, while strained relationships may relax or disappear, and stressors in business or work environments can be better understood. Closure is calling in all areas of life, and the collective is being asked to make amends with the past and lean into the possibilities of the future. The more you’re able to let go of in this cycle, the more room you will have in the following cycle - more room equals more possibilities!


2025 will have a theme of authenticity, transparency and truth. Many hidden truths will likely be revealed to the collective, which could highlight important areas that were once in the shadows. We will need to be prepared for facing hard truths, considering the light and dark of all situations, and showing up to stand by our own truth. This is the cycle for unity, for all-encompassing love and compassion, and deep empathy. Therefore, the situations and events taking place this year will happen to shed light on dark places so in the future greater unity can emerge. There could be some difficulties this year, which may depend on your approach to obstacles and overcoming them. It can feel as though those important decisions need to be made, and that your courage and strength is being severely tested. For some this may not feel like the easiest year, however, the collective will feel relieved and on the brink of a positive breakthrough by the end of 2025. During challenging moments, try to focus on the excitement of new beginnings and a promising era just around the corner. Optimism will be your friend this year, and some may feel waves of fear from letting go. This will be a big shift and change in the collective, and in personal lives. 


During this up and down time, try to make time for celebration of small or large blessings around you and all that you are grateful for in your life. Gratitude is medicine to the soul, and connects you to the heart, to love and to abundance. On a spiritual level, the collective will be functioning from a completely different mode than the previous cycles. Rather than feeling self-focused, the collective is shifting into the focus of unity and all-encompassing compassion. This will direct the intentions and efforts of the collective towards helping others in need, standing up for those who cannot advocate for themselves, making a stand for justice, generating greater equality amongst diversity, and breaking down the barriers that keep individuals in a divided state of mind. During this time, you may feel a strong desire to show up for those around you and help to support them in ways you are able. Give your time and energy to worthy causes, and give back to others around you. The more you give and help others, the more in touch with yourself you may feel and the lighter your burdens will get. Cycle 9, the last of them all, rewards those who live with compassion, selflessness and the willingness to bring betterment to those around them. 


2025 will also experience a peak of creative energy, within the collective and amongst individuals. This is an ideal time for investing in your creative talents or curiosities you have towards an artistic skill. Get lost in the enjoyment of music, get messy and play with paints, get together with friends to collaborate and have fun in the enjoyment that comes from the freedom to create. You have the ability to create the life you want for yourself, and to create from the heart of your imagination and dreamworld. This year is the time to believe in your creative side, and your ability to create joys and wonders through you! Be brave and be yourself, watch what unfolds when you allow yourself to enjoy the beauties of yourself and life around you. Even in the darkest of times, there is light and beauty living within, awaiting your attention. 


The summary for 2025


What to focus on - giving, helping, support, selflessness, compassion, creativity, celebration, honoring dark and light, unity, letting go, forgiveness, shedding old layers, socializing, courage, perseverance, completion, completing unfinished business, optimism for the future, dreaming of new beginnings, having fun, playfulness, enjoyment, acknowledging beauty inside and out, believing in yourself, bravery. 


What not to focus on - holding onto old ways, staying comfortable, spending a lot of time alone, taking more than your share, focusing mostly on yourself, hiding parts of self, inauthenticity, need to control, apathy, grudges, revenge, resisting possibilities of the future, ignoring those asking for help, putting off making decisions, procrastinate completing something, crumbing in the face of obstacles.


Every month the collective moves through one of the 9 repeating stages of development consciousness cycles through for expansion and growth. Last month the collective cycled through phase 9, the stage of endings, acceptance, forgiveness and celebrations. This month the collective is cycling through phase 1, the stage of new beginnings, second chances, rebirth and momentum. The beginning of this year is going to set the tone for the rest of 2025. The decisions made during January will impact the next 8 following months to September. 


There will be two peak points in the collective during the year 2025; one is January and the second is in October. Take advantage of these peaks of energy, as they can bring many possibilities to those who put forth much effort, determination, creativity and drive. 


January will be an ideal time for breaking habits, trying something new, second chances and exploring the unknown. This is a time for making big moves, taking risks and expressing your creative expression. Since what you focus on and put energy towards right now will direct the next 9 months, it would be best to use your time and energy wisely, only focusing on what matters to you. Try not to get too distracted or thrown off course during this month, as this can directly impact your potential for success.This cycle calls for you to be more focused, determined, resilient, ambitious and driven. January is meant to awaken deep passion within you, and for you to share your passion with the world. 


With the beginning of a new cycle, it may feel difficult to finish or complete anything this month. This is a time for sprinkling seeds, not for reaping fruits. Try not to become discouraged when the efforts of this month don’t immediately show progress or results. You are called to practice patience, and to deepen your ability to trust in what you cannot see and the process as it unfolds organically. This cycle is meant to serve as a rebirth, as fertile soil for future trees and as a beacon of energy for creative expression. Use this cycle for realizing your goals and making the moves necessary to manifest your dreams into reality.


Lastly, this cycle requires exercise, movements and use of the physical body. Now is a supportive time for changing your lifestyle or eating habits, enhancing your exercise routine and improving the health of your physical body. Make sure to get outside, to move around regularly and to rejuvenate the connection between you and your body. The keys for January are staying focused, being determined, maintaining momentum, having patience, giving trust and moving forward towards your goals and dreams no matter the obstacle!


The summary for January 2025


What to focus on - fresh starts, second chances, initiative, direction, drive, new beginnings, taking action, making big moves towards goals, welcoming new things, being open-minded, getting physically active, exploring imagination, sharing ideas.

What not to focus on - holding onto old ways, resisting change, stubbornness, selfishness, controlling tendencies, rushing the process, hesitation towards taking action, being anti-social, impatience, listening to others over inner guidance, being lazy or lackadaisical.



(send a message in the Contact section - including your birthday - to find out your monthly personal number)

Personal Month


This is an ideal time to start something new, to think differently and welcome new connections.

 You will have lots of new opportunities when open to receiving them.


This is an ideal time to reconnect with your essence and spirit, as well as deepen connection with loved ones. You need to connect with yourself, before connecting with others.


This is an ideal time to utilize your creative energy to try a new trade, craft or artistic activity. Your creative potential is high right now.


This is an ideal time for laying down the steps needed to accomplish new ideas and realizations. You need to put all your focus, attention and drive in one direction.


This is an ideal time for shifting areas of life no longer serving you and welcoming a new direction. You are ready for a transformation.


This is an ideal time for changing your home life in some manner, or for learning and developing a new artistic skill or hobby. You are meant to embrace your creative side right now.


This is an ideal time for reflecting on your current stance in life, and what you desire.

You need to take action towards the life you desire to live.


This is an ideal time for taking action towards goals and practicing self-empowerment.

You are ready for big moves and great self-accomplishments.


This is an ideal time for a rebirth, celebration and receiving that which you have given.

You are ready to see the value of your past, to move forward with confidence and clarity.

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