The practice of Reiki, or energy healing, addresses mental, emotional, physical and spiritual imbalances and dis-ease at the root.
To read more about the practice of Reiki, check out my blog ‘What is Reiki & Energy Healing’ @
Reiki brings betterment to anything and everything, and there is no limitation to this energy and its capability to heal, balance and self-regulate. It would be impossible to list every benefit, since Reiki has the potential to bring benefits to everything and anything. Below I will list some examples of benefits that can be experienced through the practice of Reiki.
Mental Benefits:
Promotes creativity and enhances memory
Calms the mind, clears brain fog, promotes deep relaxation
Refreshes brain cells
Increases clarity in thought
Improves ability for healthy decision-making
Increases self-confidence
Promotes self-awareness and self-realization
Improves outlook on self and life
Eases and protects from intrusive thoughts and psychic attacks
Channels positive energy, positive thoughts
Opens up the mind, mind expansion
Emotional Benefits:
Reduces fear, anxiety, worry, stress and depression
Aids in relieving substance addiction, promotes tranquility
Helps to heal deep emotional wounds or traumas
Aids in shedding emotional baggage from the past
Increases self-esteem, self-acceptance, self-love
Builds confidence, personal empowerment
Releasing and healing from emotions
Balances the mind and emotional body
Aligns the heart with feelings and emotions
Increases protection from emotional imbalances
Elevates mood and attitude towards life
Aids in releasing accumulated energy from the day, energy absorbed from others
Physical Benefits:
Promotes self-healing capabilities in the body
Provides relief in all dis-eases and illnesses (physical pain, cancer, fatigue, migraines, skin problems, heart disease, etc)
Revitalizes the cells in the body, slows down aging process
Reduces insomnia, sleep paralysis, nightmares and sleep disorders
Decreases high blood pressure and eases pain
Eases complications/pain during pregnancy and childbirth (also strengthens the bond between mother-child, father-child)
Releases toxins from the body, strengthens immune system
Increases tissue regeneration in burns, scars and injuries
Improves blood circulation, reduces inflammation (post surgery or injury)
Aids in decreasing side effects of medication or medical treatments (nausea, headaches, diarrhea, fatigue, etc)
Eases movement in areas of tension/stiffness, eases arthritis
Decreases symptoms of dis-eases (fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue, etc)
Rejuvenates and balances vital organs and glands in the body
Aids in pain management
Soothes and balances digestion
Spiritual Benefits:
Induces intuition and strengthens psychic connection/abilities
Promotes peace on a soul level
Aids in releasing and removing attachments, entities or spirits from aura/energy field
Opens and deepens connection to the Divine, the Universe
Connects the human mind with higher Universal forces
Increases ability to dream-recall
Opens the third eye
Balances mind-body-soul
Clears and cleanses the aura, all levels of the energy bodies
Enhances ability to connect with spirit guides, animal guides, angels and other multidimensional beings
Awakens self-healing capabilities
Balances, opens and clears chakra centers and meridian pathways
Builds spiritual faith and trust in self and the Universe
Reiki is a natural method of healing that can be applied to nearly any and all imbalances, problems and dis-ease within the human experience. If you have any questions about Reiki or the benefits of energy healing, feel free to send me a personal message @ or send a message in the Contact section at the bottom of my website @ .