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Tay Lotus

Benefits of Energy Healing

The practice of Reiki, or energy healing, addresses mental, emotional, physical and spiritual imbalances and dis-ease at the root. 

To read more about the practice of Reiki, check out my blog ‘What is Reiki & Energy Healing’ @

Reiki brings betterment to anything and everything, and there is no limitation to this energy and its capability to heal, balance and self-regulate. It would be impossible to list every benefit, since Reiki has the potential to bring benefits to everything and anything. Below I will list some examples of benefits that can be experienced through the practice of Reiki.

Mental Benefits:

  • Promotes creativity and enhances memory

  • Calms the mind, clears brain fog, promotes deep relaxation

  • Refreshes brain cells

  • Increases clarity in thought

  • Improves ability for healthy decision-making

  • Increases self-confidence

  • Promotes self-awareness and self-realization

  • Improves outlook on self and life

  • Eases and protects from intrusive thoughts and psychic attacks

  • Channels positive energy, positive thoughts

  • Opens up the mind, mind expansion

Emotional Benefits:

  • Reduces fear, anxiety, worry, stress and depression

  • Aids in relieving substance addiction, promotes tranquility

  • Helps to heal deep emotional wounds or traumas

  • Aids in shedding emotional baggage from the past

  • Increases self-esteem, self-acceptance, self-love

  • Builds confidence, personal empowerment

  • Releasing and healing from emotions

  • Balances the mind and emotional body

  • Aligns the heart with feelings and emotions

  • Increases protection from emotional imbalances

  • Elevates mood and attitude towards life

  • Aids in releasing accumulated energy from the day, energy absorbed from others

Physical Benefits:

  • Promotes self-healing capabilities in the body

  • Provides relief in all dis-eases and illnesses (physical pain, cancer, fatigue, migraines, skin problems, heart disease, etc)

  • Revitalizes the cells in the body, slows down aging process

  • Reduces insomnia, sleep paralysis, nightmares and sleep disorders

  • Decreases high blood pressure and eases pain

  • Eases complications/pain during pregnancy and childbirth (also strengthens the bond between mother-child, father-child)

  • Releases toxins from the body, strengthens immune system

  • Increases tissue regeneration in burns, scars and injuries

  • Improves blood circulation, reduces inflammation (post surgery or injury)

  • Aids in decreasing side effects of medication or medical treatments (nausea, headaches, diarrhea, fatigue, etc)

  • Eases movement in areas of tension/stiffness, eases arthritis

  • Decreases symptoms of dis-eases (fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue, etc)

  • Rejuvenates and balances vital organs and glands in the body

  • Aids in pain management

  • Soothes and balances digestion

Spiritual Benefits:

  • Induces intuition and strengthens psychic connection/abilities

  • Promotes peace on a soul level

  • Aids in releasing and removing attachments, entities or spirits from aura/energy field

  • Opens and deepens connection to the Divine, the Universe

  • Connects the human mind with higher Universal forces

  • Increases ability to dream-recall

  • Opens the third eye

  • Balances mind-body-soul

  • Clears and cleanses the aura, all levels of the energy bodies

  • Enhances ability to connect with spirit guides, animal guides, angels and other multidimensional beings

  • Awakens self-healing capabilities

  • Balances, opens and clears chakra centers and meridian pathways

  • Builds spiritual faith and trust in self and the Universe

Reiki is a natural method of healing that can be applied to nearly any and all imbalances, problems and dis-ease within the human experience. If you have any questions about Reiki or the benefits of energy healing, feel free to send me a personal message @ or send a message in the Contact section at the bottom of my website @


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