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Are you ready to explore the depths of your soul and potential?


Your Numerology Chart is derived from your Full Name at birth and birthdate, and explores your inner and outer world, as well as four main categories; personal (inner) world, areas of integration, lessons to be learned and the cycles of the soul.


Numerology bridges the spiritual and mathematical, the magical and practical.

Your Numerology Chart will reveal insight on the following:


Life themes/patterns, recurring challenges

Life purpose and mission

Talents, gifts, passions, strengths

Cycles of the soul, growth opportunities

Career, vocation, lifestyle

Relationships, compatibility

Lessons, skills to develop

Past life regressions

Innermost yearning


Written Reading â€‹$75

This reading incudes a phone call if you have any questions about your chart. To your Numerology Chart, send a message in the Contact section including your Full Name at BIRTH (middle if applies), your birthday, and 'Numerology Chart Reading'. Your order will be confirmed once your payment is received. 


Payments accepted via:

Paypal (taylotus11) & Venmo and Cashapp (taylotus)

Numerology Chart
Life Path Reading


In Numerology, the Life Path Number is found by adding together one's birthdate. It's considered to be one of the five Core Numbers in one's life, and one of the most important placements to interpret in a birth chart. In this reading, you will receive insight into your life purpose and mission, life themes and direction, challenges to overcome, characteristics to embrace, possible vocations and who your soul is ready to evolve into. This isn't a basic Life Path reading where only one placement will be interpreted. Your full birth chart of 30+ placements will be interpreted for an individualistic reading and insight. This is a written reading (2 - 3 pages) and will be delivered to you via email. 


Written Reading $25

To request a reading of your Life Path Number, send a message in the Contact section including your Full Name at BIRTH (middle if applies), your birthday and 'Life Path Reading'. Your order will be confirmed once your payment is received. 


Payments accepted via:

Paypal (taylotus11) & Venmo and Cashapp (taylotus)

Cosmic Check up


Through life, it can be helpful to slow down from time to time and reflect on your stance in life. In your path, there are many different cycles taking place at one time, with other complexities of influence from personality, environmental factors and cosmic energy. As time changes, so does your cycles, personality and complexity. This reading is meant to serve as a cosmic check up, where we dive into the cycles and themes of your present stance, and the health of your spirit. 


Do you have important decisions to make?

Does life feel overwhelming or confusing?

Do you want to connect deeper with yourself and the cycles of your journey?

Do you need a burst of inspiration and empowerment for your present situation?

Would you like to understand how to maintain the health of your spirit?

If so, this reading is for you!


Phone Call Reading $45

To request a reading of your Cosmic Check Up, send a message in the Contact section including your Full Name at BIRTH (middle if applies), your birthday and 'Cosmic Check Up'. Please include any specific questions you have or specific areas of life you would like clarity on within your message. Your order will be confirmed once your payment is received. 


Payments accepted via:

Paypal (taylotus11) & Venmo and Cashapp (taylotus)

KArmic Year


In Numerology, the Karmic Year marks a pivotal time in a person's life; one of great impact and significance. The Karmic Year takes place once in your lifetime, and can last anywhere from 1 - 2 years in length. During this time, there will be events, experiences and decisions that will directly change your direction in life and greatly impact the remainder of your incarnation.


This is neither positive nor negative, but rather what you make of it.

To request your Karmic Year for FREE, send a message in the Contact section saying "Karmic Year (and your birthdate)"

Spirit Animal Reading


Sign up for my monthly newsletter, The Lotus Community, to receive a FREE Spirit Animal Reading.

This Reading utilizes a Tarot Deck of Animal Medicine Cards, and gives the option of choosing between 7 questions for clarity and validation.


To receive a one card reading utilizing a Spirit Wheel tarot deck, send your full name and birthday in the Contact section with 'Spirit Wheel Reading' in your message. This reading is FREE, and is intended to serve as needed. After receiving your request, your reading will be emailed to you within 48 hours.

Spirit Wheel Reading
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